Friday, 18 January 2008

improving local rail services - franchise renewal

This information below from Southwark Rail Users' Group is circulated by the Peckham Residents' Network.

If you are a rail user it is a rare chance to give your views when it could have a real influence on improvements to stations and services.

From Southwark Rail Users' Group
To local rail users:

Do you want to improve your local station and/or the rail services you use?
Passenger Focus ( is an independent body which gives advice to the Government about passenger needs. They have invited passengers to give their views in reply to these questions:

- What are the top 3 issues to address at individual stations? (Please comment on as many stations as you are familiar with).

- What are the top 3 priorities for rail services on the specific routes you use?

- What are the top 3 priorities for the on-train environment on the trains you travel on?

- What 1 other issue do you wish to highlight?

Please email your responses to these questions as soon as possible::

cc Southwark Rail Users Group:


Southern Railways currently have the franchise to 2009 to run some services through our South London stations. The new franchise details are now being developed by the Department of Transport (DTp), and they will be consulting the public on the draft specification in the Spring.

Passenger Focus have said:
"In light of our recent discussions with the Department of Transport and in advance of our provision of advice on the content of the further input about passenger perspectives on the key priorities for the new franchise. We will be starting to draft our submission in early February and would like to review as much information as possible over the next week or two. Any replies to our questions [listed above] will contribute to that.

Given that the franchise currently covers around 700 route kilometres through over 160 stations across 6 counties and the needs of all passengers across the network will need to be balanced, we are particularly interested to know what the top priorities are for the stations/services/ trains on specific routes and any evidence passengers have for the need for changes or enhancements to the current franchise provision."

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