Saturday, 1 August 2009

is your street surface or lighting in need of attention?

Does your street need resurfacing, or the street lighting improved? If so see details below for how to get it on the list for action. Deadline for proposals 21st August.

Information on Highways Capital Allocation Scheme for Community Councils

This is a proposed scheme for improvement works for highways and lighting. Each Community Council has been allocated £100,000 for resurfacing (this would pay for about 100 linear meters of road and paving) and £75,000 for lighting.

£100,000 for highway resurfacing:
The Highways capital is solely for the resurfacing of footway and carriageways for Southwark roads including dropped kerbs/mobility access works such as tactile paving. No traffic management or transport aspects will be considered i.e. no crossings, one ways, CPZ, 20mph Zones, cycle lanes, traffic calming measures and so forth. In addition for the spend to be capital it must be of a minimum of £2,500. Therefore if patching is required it would need to be of the whole or a major part
of the road.

£75,000 for street lighting:
The upgrade or replacement of lighting has conditions attached. Firstly, the lighting must be functional and not decorative and in line with the Council's standard specification and in keeping with the surroundings. Secondly, single lights can not be replaced, added or removed; a location must be chosen where all of the lights on that street need to be replaced.

We would like to hear from you which highways and areas of street lighting you think should be improved. Please note the closing date for submitting suggestions is Friday 21st August.
We will carry out a feasibility study on the suggestions we receive to determine their suitability. This information will be provided to a future Community Council where decisions will be made about allocating the available funds.

Please e-mail your suggestions to and be as specific as possible about the location:
* for all lighting
* for all surfacing

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