Friday, 22 May 2009

improvements at junctions Rye Lane, Peckham Rye, Nigel Rd, Heaton Rd, Sternhall Lane

Do you ever walk, cycle, use the buses, ride a motor bike, or drive a car through any part of the junctions at the south end of Rye Lane?
If you do, you might be interested to come and see proposals for improving the whole layout. This is an unsafe set of junctions and a great opportunity for users of them to contribute to the design before the formal consultation. See below the Council details of meeting and walkabout next Wednesday 27 May.
If you aim to go, or have any queries, email who is arranging the meeting for the Council.
Invitation from Southwark Council
Dear Stakeholder,
You are invited to attend a design workshop to discuss new proposals for highway, public realm and road safety improvements between Rye Lane (junction with Heaton Road & Sternhall Lane) and Peckham Rye (junctions with Nigel Road and Philip Walk). The meeting will be held on 
WEDNESDAY 27th MAY 5pm-7pm
meeting first at
The CLF Art Cafe
1st Floor Bussey Building
133 Rye Lane
London SE15 3ST
(entrance opposite Blenheim Grove near station)
Southwark Council has joined together funding from recent development contributions with Transport for London's LIP, cycling and road safety budgets to drive forward a large scheme for this important location. Under discussion will be:
•proposed new facilities for pedestrians and cyclists;
•proposed new trees and landscaping;
•proposed changes to traffic operation at the junction of Rye Lane and Sternhall Road; and,
•the proposed redevelopment of the public space outside the Nags Head Pub.

During the workshop you'll be given the opportunity to collaborate with Southwark's engineers and designers, and to help make sure the proposals make the most of this great opportunity to improve the area. The event will start at the above venue, where we can take a look at current plans of the proposals, and then move on to a 'walkabout', where we can discuss the challenges and opportunities of the scheme on site.   
I hope you are able to attend. Please reply letting me know whether you can so that we have an idea of numbers attending.
Kind Regards
Chris Gibney
On behalf of Southwark Council

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