Thursday, 30 October 2008

Sternhall Lane, Nigel Rd, Peckham Rye, Heaton Rd junctions

The Council Traffic Department is studying how to improve the safety of the junctions at:
* Nigel Road/Peckham Rye and
* Sternhall Lane/Heaton Road/Rye Lane
See email below with further information. If you have experience of these junctions and would like to ask questions or make suggestions to contribute to their thinking: email
to: Chris.Mascord@SOUTHWARK.GOV.UK
From: Chris.Mascord@SOUTHWARK.GOV.UK
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008

The study is part of the borough's objective to reduce the number of personal injury accidents, particularly for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists.
Peckham Rye, Nigel Road junction and Sternhall Lane junction have a number of recorded serious and fatal accidents, well above average. These sites have accordingly been prioritised by the borough in a funding bid to Transport for London's Road Safety Department. This financial year up to April 2009, we are investigating what measures may be feasible to take forward to implementation to reduce the number of accidents and improve road safety.
In order to achieve a decent first year rate of return (cost of the scheme versus the proposed accident savings), measures can only be introduced at the Nigel Road junction, the adjacent arms of Peckham Rye and Sternhall Lane junction (and not the wider area).
There will not be enough money next year to treat all the locations at once. It is anticipated that the measures will be introduced in stages when funding becomes available. The Nigel Road junction and both arms of Peckham Rye will be consulted upon first, with measures for Sternhall Lane junction consulted upon and implemented as part of future bid received from TfL. However, the report will look at all sites to achieve a holistic solution to improve road safety. The report will focus on the number of accidents, as well as severity, indicating any accident trends that need to be addressed and shortcomings in highway infrastructure. The report will list / recommend a number of highway and engineering improvements to address the current accident problems.
When we have agreed the measures to take forward with the Regeneration Department, we will undertake a public consultation on the measures.
In the meantime, I would welcome comments and suggestions from residents regarding road safety at the above locations.
Kind regards,
Chris Mascord

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