Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Ethnic diversity and participation within green community initiatives

If you are involved in any green environmental community groups, you may be interested in responding to this research survey.
EMAIL FROM Annalisa Dorigo email:
This is a call out to all green community groups in Peckham. I am a MSc student at the LSE carrying out my final research project on ethnic diversity and participation within green community-led initiatives.
I would be very interested to hear from green community group members (regardless of how ethnically diverse their group may be), to help with a short email survey (max 10 minutes).
Please note that all respondents will remain anonymous.
On completion of my project and as a thank you, I am planning to organise evening drinks for all participating; this would be an opportunity for different groups to come together and find out about other activities in Southwark, and share best practice.
Please note that the deadline for my thesis is 27th August. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Please email me at:
Many thanks,

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

traffic problems in your neighbourhood?

Do you have any traffic or pedestrian issues in your neighbourhood?
If so, and you are in the Nunhead & Peckham Rye Community Council area, you should try to come to the next meeting and encourage your neighbours to come as well.
The Nunhead & Peckham Rye Community Council
Wednesday 22 July 7pm
at Rye Oak Primary School and Children's Centre,
Whorlton Road, London, SE15 3PD
(use the Old James Street entrance)

The Council will explain their latest ideas for tackling local traffic issues. They will be asking at the meeting if there are any other local areas that have problems and what the priorities should be for any of these. This is your chance to make sure your local traffic or pedestrian issues are put on the list for attention.

We are told that this topic is on the agenda for all current Community Council meetings. So if you are in a different area visit here to see if there is a meeting soon of your Community Council (see CC names in left hand column) and how you can find out if traffic is on the agenda.